You're always welcome at St Andrew's Fulham Fields

Special Events

page updated 29 Apr 03

There are all kinds of special events at St Andrew's. The primary focus is on activities which inspire and nurture us. We had the Bishop of London come and address the Star Course, and we are planning various courses in the New Year as well as the series of talks and meditiations after Thursday Evening Eucharists. We're also happy to host visiting Choirs and Musicians. In June The Minnetonka Symphony Chorus sung at mass and the acclaimed US Trio Band du Soleil performed Jazz Vespers. In June 2000 we had the Altoona Cathedral Festival Choir, in March 2001 the Vassar College Choir and Madrigal Singers, we have had 3 concerts from the Charing Cross Chamber Choir (Mozart Requiem, a Christmas Concert, and the Haydn Stabat Mater) and memorable performances from the wonderful Philippa Healey when she was starring as Cosette in Les Miserables. We have also had sponsored walks and runs.

Calendar of Special Events

Sun 4 May After Eucharist (11:20 say) Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Thurs 29 May 7pm Ascension Day Eucharist
Mon 1 June 7:30pm Finance Communication Consultation with Ven Malcolm Colmer - Archdeacon of Middlesex
Tues 1 July 8pm Confirmation service with the Bishop of Kensington
Aug 9-10 Central Fulham Pilgimage to Walsingham
Special Events