St Andrew's Fulham Fields

General Info

page updated 9 Feb 03

St Andrew's is a lively, growing church in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England. Our congregation is of all ages and backgrounds, mostly living in the Parish. We have 133 people on our Electoral Roll (up from 101 in April).

Our main service is PARISH EUCHARIST at 10:00am on Sunday - all age worship for the family, singles, young and old, everyone, where people of all ages and backgrounds gather together for worship, fellowship and Eucharist. Children are particularly welcome at St Andrew's - they have their own Children's Group for some of the service but rejoin the whole community before communion. We have an excellent organist and singers are welcome - the adult choir gathers at Communion to sing 4-part anthems. Some of the sermons and talks that have been given at St Andrew's are on the web here. Eucharist is followed by an optional Parish Breakfast (tea/coffee/cakes/sandwiches) which is a great way to get to know people better.

We also have a Thursday Evening Eucharist at 7pm - generally with a talk/discusssion or meditation afterwards.

Morning and Evening Prayer are said every weekday at 8am and 5pm - join to bathe yourself in the scriptures and the psalms and to pray together. The Church is open every day between morning and evening prayer. Many people drop into the Church for quiet meditation.

In his first sermon Fr Gavin expressed the vision of the church which is St Andrew's Fulham Fields. My creed is essentially a catholic creed, a creed which is a song of the heart. And this is my song:

I pray that through God's grace, that you may share in this vision too, that we may work together with faith, hope and love, and encounter God in all that we do. Amen.

More detailed information about our objectives for 2003 is found here. St Andrew's also has a proud record of founding things! The Church Lads' Brigade was born here in 1891. This Anglican uniformed youth organisation spread all over the world, to Canada, South Africa, Australia, St Helena and the West Indies. Many thousands of members have entered the Church through the Brigade, the seed of which was sown at this church by Walter Gee, now remembered on a wall plaque. Fulham Football Club was also founded here in 1879, and more recently it was the birthplace of The Star Course.

We are also deeply conscious that we are building on the foundations laid under God by past Vicars and in particular by our beloved Fr David

Two Halls are available for Lettings - great for parties and rehersals: you can get the bookings form on the web here.

For more information email If you'd like to be kept up to date with occasional emails about St Andrew's click here. The pattern of services is as shown below. Changes are listed on the right.

Normal Service Times
Variation on
Varied Service Time
10:00 Parish Eucharist
08:00 Morning Prayer (said)
17:00 Evening Prayer (said)
19:00 Eucharist - generally followed by talk/meditation
.6 Mar 03
No Thursday Eucharist on the 6th 'cos Ash Weds on 5th

How to find us

St Andrew's is between Star Road and St Andrew's Road London W14 9SX. (click the map for higher resolution or the link for multimap)

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You're always welcome at St Andrew's

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