Stephen Bishop's Polkinghorne Bibliography

Stephen Bishop has sent this biblography from his MA Thesis for posting. They are divided into

Thanks Stephen.


On the interaction of science and theology

John Polkinghorne (1983) The Way the World is: The Christian Perspectives of a Scientist (London: Triangle)

John Polkinghorne (1986) One World: The Interaction of Science and Theology (London: SPCK)

John Polkinghorne (1987a)"The faith of a physicist" Physics Education 27 (1)

John Polkinghorne (1987b) "Creation and the structure of the physical world" Theology Today 44 53-68

John Polkinghorne (1988) Science and Creation: The Search for Understanding (London: SPCK)

John Polkinghorne (1989a) Science and Providence: God's Interaction with the World (London: SPCK)

John Polkinghorne(1989b) "A note on chaotic dynamics" Science and Christian Belief 1(2) 123-127

John Polkinghorne (1990)"A scientists view of religion" Science and Christian Belief 2(2) 83-94

John Polkinghorne (1991) Reason and Reality: The Relationship between Science and Theology (London: SPCK)

John Polkinghorne (199?)"Reckonings in science and religion" Anglican Theological Review 74 376-80

John Polkinghorne (1992) "Response to review article" Science and Christian Belief 4 (2) 130

John Polkinghorne (1993) "Not just any old world" The Tablet (23 January) 102-3

John Polkinghorne (1993)"Science and Christianity 1/2"Farmington Papers SC1 and SC2 (Idreos lectures, Manchester College)

John Polkinghorne (1994) Science and Christian Belief: Theological Reflections of a Bottom-up Thinker (Gifford Lectures for 1993-94) (London: SPCK)

John Polkinghorne (1994) Quarks, Chaos and Christianity (London: Triangle)

John Polkinghorne (1995a) "Creatio Continua and divine action" Science and Christian Belief 7 101-8

John Polkinghorne (1995b) "Contemporary interactions between science and theology" Modern Believing 36 (4) 33-8

John Polkinghorne (1996a) Serious Talk: Science and Religion in Dialogue (London: SCM)

John Polkinghorne (1996) Scientists as Theologians: A Comparison of the Writings of Ian Barbour, Arthur Peacocke and John Polkinghorne (London: SPCK)

On science (non-technical work)

John Polkinghorne (1979) The Particle Play (Freeman, 1979)

John Polkinghorne (1984) The Quantum World (Harlow: Penguin, 1984)

John Polkinghorne (1989) Rochester Roundabout (Harlow: Longman 1989)

John Polkinghorne (1996) Beyond Science: The Wider Human Context (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)


Paul Avis "Apologist from the world of science: John Polkinghorne FRS" Scottish Journal of Theology 43 (1990) 485-502

Oliver Barclay "Reason and Reality: the relationship between science and theology" Science and Christian Belief 4 (2) (1992)

Steven D. Crain "Divine action in a world of chaos: an evaluation of John Polkinghorne's model of special divine action" Faith and Philosophy 14 (1) (1997) 41-61

Jonathon Doye, Ian Goldby, Christina Line, Stephen Lloyd, Paul Shellard and David Tricker (1995) "Contemporary perspectives on chance, providence and free will" Science and Christian Belief 7 (2) 117-139

Paul Helm "Science and Christian Belief by John Polkinghorne" (Essay review) Science and Christian Belief 7 (1995) 59-64

A. R. Peacocke "A response to Polkinghorne" Science and Christian Belief 7 (1995) 109-15


Graham Miles "Focus Profile:John Polkinghorne" RE Today 8 (3) (!991) 34-5

Book reviews of Polkinghorne's works

Paul Avis "Reason and Reality" Scottish Journal of Theology 46 (1993)

Oliver Barclay "Reason and Reality: the relationship between science and theology" Science and Christian Belief 4 (2) (1992)

John Bausor "Reason and Reality" Spectrum 25 (1) (1993)

John Habgood "Science and Creation"Theology 92 (1989) 234-5

Ernest Lucas "Science and Christian Belief" CISE Newsletter7

Colin Russell "Science and Creation" Science and Christian Belief 1 (1) 75-7

Stephen Williams "Science and Creation" Evangel 9 (2) (1991) 31


P. Alexander "Complementary descriptions" Mind 65 (1956) pp 145-65

R. T. Allen "Metaphysics in education" J Phil. Educ. 23 (2) (1989) 159-69.

William H. Austin The Relevance of Natural Science to Theology (London: MacMillan Press, 1976)

John T. Baldwin "God and the world: William Paley's argument from perfection tradition - a continuing influence Harvard Theological Review 85(1) (1992) 109-120

Ian G. Barbour Issues in Science and Religion (London: SCM, 1966)

Ian G. Barbour (ed.) Science and Religion: New Perspectives on the Dialogue (London: SCM, 1968)

Ian G. Barbour Myths, Models and Paradigms: A Comparative Study in Science and Religion (New York: Harper & Row, 1974)

Ian G. Barbour Religion in an Age of Science (Gifford Lectures 1989-1991) vol 1 (London: SCM, 1990)

James Barr Biblical Faith and Natural Theology (The Gifford Lectures for 1991) (Oxford: Clarendon, 1993)

John D. Barrow and Frank J. Tipler The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986)

John Barrow The World Within the World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988)

John Barrow Theories of Everything (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990)

David Bebbington Evangelicalism in Modern Britain (London: Unwin Hyman,1989)

R.J. Berry "Evolution and creation (3) Origin of man " Epworth Review 13 (1) (1986) 74-85

R.J. Berry God and Evolution (London: Hodder and Stroughton, 1988)

R.J. Berry (editor) Real Science, Real Faith (Leicester: IVP, 1991)

Thomas Berry The Dream of the Earth (Sierra Book Club, 1990)

Thomas Berry "The spirituality of the Earth" in Birch et al (1990)

Charles Birch "Chance, purpose and the order of nature" in Birch et al (1990)

Charles Birch, William Eakin and Jay B. McDaniel (editors) Liberating Life: Contemporary Approaches to Ecological Theology (Maryknoll: Orbis, 1990)

Steve Bishop "Science and faith: boa constrictors and warthogs?" Themelios 19 (1) (Oct 1993) 4-9

Steve Bishop "Beliefs shape mathematics" Spectrum 28 (2) (1996) 131-41

Robert L. F. Boyd in Where Science and Faith Meet (London: IVF, 1953)

Richard H. Bube Putting it all Together: Seven Patterns for Relating Science and the Christian Faith (Lanham: University Press of America, 1995)

John Hedley Brooke Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991)

Steven Cahn and David Shatz (ed.) (1982) Contemporary Philosophy of Religion (New York: Oxford University Press)

A. F. Chalmers What is This Thing Called Science? (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1982 [2nd edn])

R. E. D. Clark The Universe: Plan or Accident? (London: Paternoster, 1949)

R. E. D. Clark "Creation and the argument from design" Faith and Thought 104 (2) (1977) 99-108.

F. H. Cleobury A Return to Natural Theology (London: James Clarke, 1967)

Roy A. Clouser The Myth of Religious Neutrality: An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1991)

John B. Cobb A Christian Natural Theology Based on the Thought and Work of Alfred North Whitehead (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1986)

Steven Connor Postmodernist Culture (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989)

Charles A. Coulson Christianity in an Age of Science (Riddell Memorial Lectures) (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1953)

Charles A. Coulson Science and Christian Belief (London : Fontana, 1971 [2nd edn] [orig 1955])

Charles A. Coulson "The similarity of science and religion" in Barbour (1968, ch. 4)

Paul Davies God and the New Physics (London:Penguin Books, 1990 [orig 1983])

Paul Davies The Mind of God: Science and the Search for Ultimate Meaning (London: Simon and Schuster, 1992)

Paul Davies "The mind of God" in J. Hilgevoord (ed.) (1994, ch. 11)

Paul Davies (1995) "Getting to grips with God: science and the superbeing" The Guardian 2 (4 May) p. 10

Richard DawkinsThe Blind Watchmaker (Harlow: Longmans, 1988)

Richard Dawkins "The culture of science" The Observer (Schools' Report Supplement) (2 Feb 1992)

Richard Dawkins (1993) "The more you understand evolution, the more you move towards atheism" Cogito 17 (2)

Richard Dawkins (1995) "A reply to Michael Poole" Science and Christian Belief 7 (1) 45-50

Jonathon Doye, Ian Golby, Christina Line, Stephen Lloyd, Paul Shellard and David Tricker "Contemporary perspectives on chance, providence and free will" Science and Christian Belief 7 (2) (1995) 117-39

Pierre Duhem "Physics of a believer" Annales de Philosophie Chretienne 77 (4the ser.) (Oct and Nov 1905). Reprinted in Duhem The Aim and Strcucture of Physical Theory (New York: Atheneum, 1962)

David L. Dye Faith and the Physical World: A Comphrehensive View (Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1966)

Paul Feyerabend Against Method (London: Verso 3rd edn 1993 [orig 1975])

Alec Fisher (1994) "Problems in understanding and analysing arguments: analysis of Dawkins on religion versus Darwinism" Cogito 17 (3) 207-10.

Roger Forster and Paul Marston Reason and Faith (Eastbourne: Monarch, 1989)

M. B. Foster "The Christian doctrine of creation and the rise of modern natural science" Mind 43 (1934) 446-68 (reprinted in C. A. Russell 1973)

M. B. Foster "Christian theology and modern science of nature I and II" Mind 44 (1935) 439-66; 45 (1936) 1-27

Sheridan Gilley and Ann Loades "Thomas Henry Huxley: the war between science and religion Journal of Religion 61 (1981) 285-308

Ian Hacking Representing and Intervening: Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Natural Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983)

N. R. Hanson Patterns of Discovery: An inquiry into the Conceptual Foundations of Science (Cambridge: cambridge University Press, 1958)

H. Hart, J. Van Der Hoeven and N. Wolterstorff Rationality in the Calvinian Tradition (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1983)

Stephen Hawking A Brief History of Time (London: Bantham, 1988)

J. N.[Tim] Hawthorne Windows on Science and Faith (Leicester: IVP, 1986)

Paul Helm "The contribution of Donald MacKay" Evangel 7 (4) (1989) 11-13

Paul Helm (1988) Eternal God: A Study of God without Time (Oxford: Clarendon Press)

Carl F. H. Henry Horizons of Science: Christian Scholars Speak Out (New York: Harper and Row, 1978)

J. Hilgevoord (ed.) Physics and our View of the World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994)

W.R. Hindmarsh "Faith of a physicist" Expository Times 82 (December 1970) 68-70

W.R. Hindmarsh "Science and Christianity" Expository Times 85 (March 1974) 180-3

Rodney D. Holder Nothing but Atoms and Molecules? Probing the Limits of Science (Tunbridge Wells: Monarch, 1993)

R. Hooykaas Religion and the rise of Modern Science (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1972)

John Houghton Does God Play Dice? A Look at the Story of the Universe (Leicester: IVP, 1988)

David Hume Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (edited by N. K. Smith) (Oxford: Clarendon, 1935 [orig 1779])

Stanley Jaki The Road to Science and the Ways to God (The Gifford lectures 1974-75 and 1975-76) (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1978)

Malcolm A. Jeeves Psychology and Christianity: The View Both Ways (Leicester: IVP, 1976)

J. V. Jenson "The X-Club" British Journal for the History of Science 5 (1970) 63-72

J. V. Jenson ""Return to the Wilberforce-Huxley debate", British Journal for the History of Science 21 (1988) 161-80

Brian Josephson "Physics and spirituality: the next grand unification?" Physics Education 22 (1987) 15-19

L. Kalsbeek Contours of a Christian Philosophy (Toronto: Wedge, 1975)

Immanuel Kant Critique of Pure Reason (London: Dent, Everyman's Library, 1973 [orig. 1781])

Anjam Khursheed Science and Religion: Towards the Restoration of an Ancient Harmony (London: One World, 1987)

Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962 [enlarged 2nd edn 1970])

Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrove (eds) Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970)

Louis Lavallee "Augustine on the creation days" JETS 34 (4) (Dec 1989) 457-464

Larry Laudan Science and Values: The Aims of Science and their Role in Scientific Debate (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984)

David C. Lindberg and Ronald L. Numbers "Beyond war and peace: a reappraisal of an encounter between Christianity and science" Church History 55 (1986a) 338-54

David C. Lindberg and Ronald L. Numbers (editors) God and Nature: Historical Essays on the Encounter Between Christianity and Science (California: University of California Press, 1986b)

David N. Livingstone Darwin's Forgotten Defenders (Grand Rapods: Eerdmans/ Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1987)

John E. Lothers, Jr. (1995) "Biology teachers' views on evolution, possible distinction of theistic views" Perspectives on Science and Faith 47 (3) 177-85

Cathleen Loving "The scientific theory profile: a philosophy of science model for science teachers" Journal of Research in Science teaching 28 (9) (1991) 823-838

Ernest Lucas Genesis Today: Genesis and the Questions of Science (London: Scripture Union, 1989)

Ernest Lucas "Science, wisdom, eschatology and the cosmic Christ" in K. E. Brower and M. W. Elliott (eds) The Reader Must Understand: Eschatology in Bible and Theology (Leicester: Apollos, 1997)

J. R. Lucas " Wilberforce and Huxley: a legendary encounter" History Journal 22 (1979) 313-330

David Lyon Postmodernity (Buckingham: Open University Press, 1994)

J.- F. Lyotard The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1984)

D. M. MacKay "Mentality in machines" Aristotelian Society Supplement. XXVI (1952) 61-86

D. M. MacKay in Science and Faith Today (London: Lutterworth Press, 1953a)

D. M. MacKay response to R. E. D. Clark "An analogy and its limitations" Christian Graduate 6 (4) (December 1953b) 161-67

D. M. MacKay "Complementary descriptions" Mind 66 (1957) 390-4

D. M. MacKay "Complementarity" Aristotelian Society Supplement XXXII (1958) 105-22

D. M. MacKay The Clockwork Image: A Christian Perspective on Science (Leicester: IVP, 1974)

D.M. MacKay Science, Chance and Providence (Riddell Memorial Lectures) (Oxford: Oxford University Press,1978)

D. M. MacKay The Open Mind and other Essays (edited by Melvin Tinker) Leicester: IVP, 1988)

Frank E. Manuel (1974) The Religion of Isaac Newton (Oxford: Oxford University Press)

Henry Margenau and Roy Abraham Varghese (editors) Cosmos, Bios, Theos: Scientists Reflect on Science, God, and the Origins of the Universe, Life, and Homo sapiens (La Salle, Ill: Open Court, 1992)

Stephen C. Meyer "The methodological equivalence of design and descent" in Moreland (ed.) (1994)

J. Richard Middleton and Brian J. Walsh Truth is Stranger than it Used to Be (London: SPCK, 1995)

Mary Midgeley Science as Salvation (London: Routledge, 1992)

Robin Millar and Rosalind Driver "Beyond processes" Studies in Science Education 14 (1987) 33-62

J. P. Moreland Christianity and Science; A Philosophical Investigation (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1989)

J. P. Moreland (editor) The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer (Downers Grove: IVP, 1994)

Henry M. Morris (ed.) Scientific Creationism (General Edition) (El Cajon, CA: Master Books, 1974)

W.H. Newton-Smith The Rationality of Science (Boston: Routledge and Keegan Paul, 1981)

James H. Olthius "On worldviews" Christian Scholars Review XIV (2) (1985) 153-64

William Paley Natural Theology with illustrative notes by H. l. Brougham and C. Bell (London: Charles Knight, 1836 [orig 1802])

A.R. Peacocke Creation and the World of Science (Oxford: Clarendon, 1979)

A.R. Peacocke (editor) Sciences and Theology in the Twentieth Century (Stocksfield: Oriel Press, 1981)

A.R. Peacocke God and the New Biology (London: Dent, 1986)

A. R. Peacocke Theology for a Scientific Age - Being and Becoming - Natural and Divine (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990)

A. R. Peacocke "A response to Polkinghorne" Science and Christian Belief 7 (2) (1995) 109-15

Edgar Pearlstein "Science and religion: conflicting or complimentary?" Physics Education 25 (1990) 239

M. Peterson, W. Hasker, B. Reichenbach, D. Basinger Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings((Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996)

Alvin Plantinga God, Freedom and Evil (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974)

Alvin Plantinga "The Reformed objection to natural theology" Christian Scholar's Review 11 (3) 1982; in Petersen et al. (1996)

Alvin Plantinga "Science: Augustinian or Duhemian?" Faith and Philosophy 13 (3) (1996) 368-394

Michael Polanyi Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy (London: Routledge and Keegan Paul, 1958)

M. W. Poole Science and Religion in the Classroom (Watford: ACT, 1984)

M.W. Poole "Science education and the interplay between science and religion" School Science Review 67 (239) (1985) 252-61;

M.W. Poole "Cosmology and creation" Physics Education 22 (1) (1987) 20-6

M. W. Poole A Guide to Science and Belief (Oxford: Lion, 1990)

M. W. Poole "Science-and-religion: a challenge for the classroom Br. J. Religious Education 13 (1990-91) 18-27

Michael W. Poole (1994) "A critique of aspects of the philosophy and theology of Richard Dawkins" Science and Christian Belief 6 (1) 41-59

Michael W. Poole Beliefs and Values in Science Education (Buckingham: Open University Press, 1995)

Karl Popper Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1963 [4th revised edn 1972])

G. Ramsey CBQ 50 (1988) 24-35

Del Ratzsch Philosophy of Science: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective (Leicester: IVP, 1986)

Helmut Reich "Between religion and science : complementarity in the religious thinking of young people" British Journal of Religious Education 11 (1988-89) 62-9

Bertrand Russell The Problems of Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1912)

Colin A. Russell "Some founding fathers of physics" Physics Education 27 (1) (1987) 27-33

Colin A. Russell "The conflict metaphor and its social origin" Science and Christian Belief 1 (1) (1989) 3-26

Colin A. Russell (editor) Science and Religious Belief: A Selection of Recent Historical Studies (London: Unoversity of London Press, 1973)

Colin A. Russell Cross-currents: Interactions Betweeen Science & Faith (Leicester: IVP, 1985)

Carl Sagan Cosmos: The Story of Cosmic Evolution, Science and Civilisation (London: Futura, 1983 [orig 1981])

James Sire The Universe Next Door (Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 1977)

Robert E. Snow " A critique of the craetion science movement" in Howard J. Van Til (ed.) (1990)

Douglas Spanner Biblical Creation and the Theory of Evolution (Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1987)

G. Spykman Reformational Dogmatics(Grand Rapids: Eeerdmans,1992)

Leslie Stephenson "Is scientific research value-neutral?" Inquiry 32 (1989) 213-22

A M. G. Stephenson The Rise and Decline of English Modernism (London: SPCK, 1984)

Richard Swinburne (1979) The Existence of God (Oxford: Clarendon Press)

Richard Swinburne (1993) (rev edn) The Coherence of Theism (Oxford: Clarendon Press)

Fredrick Temple The Relations between Religion and Science (London: MacMillan, 1885)

T. F. Torrance Space, Time and Incarnation (London: Oxford University Press, 1969)

T. F. Torrance The Ground and Grammer of Theology (Belfast: Christian Journals/ Charlottsville: University of Virginia Press, 1980)

Howard J. Van Till (ed.) Portraits of Creation: Biblical Perspectives on the World's Formation (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990)

Howard J. Van Till "Basil, Augustine and the doctrine of creation's functional integrity" Science and Christian Belief 8 (1) (April 1996a) 21-38

Howard J. Van Til "In search of a more fruitful question: a response to P. P. Duce" Science and Christian Belief 8 (2) (1996b)157-161

Keith Ward God, Chance and Necessity (Oxford: Oneworld, 1996)

Margaret Wertheim Pythagoras' Trousers: God, Gender, and the Gender Wars (London: Fourth Estate, 1997)

A. N. Whitehead Science and the Modern World (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1938 [orig 1926])

David A. Wilkinson "The revival of natural theology in contemporary cosmology" Science and Christian Belief 2 (2) (1990) 95-115

Al Wolters Creation Regained(Leicester: IVP, 1986)

Nicholas Wolterstorff Reason within the Bounds of Religion (2nd edn) (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984)

Brian E. Woolnough "Conflict? - What conflict?" Physics Education 25 (1990) 69

John Wright Designer Universe: Is Christianity Compatible with Modern Science? (Tunbridge Wells: Monarch, 1994)

G. D. Yarnold Christianity and Physical Science (London: Mowbray, 1950)